There are lots of ways to send the money you have raised into the Yoni Jesner Foundation.
- Click here to pay online.
- Pay by post - Please send your cheque made payable to: Yoni Jesner Foundation, c/o 28 Arden Road, London, N3 3AN
- Don't forget to download our Under One Roof Tzedaka box template! - Put the Tzedaka box in your Sukkah and see how much extra money you can raise.
- Don’t forget to ask anyone who donates to complete our UOR Gift Aid Form (UK tax payers only). For every £1 people donate to us, we can claim an extra 25p from the government in Gift Aid. Since the money you raise at your event is made up of lots of different people’s donations, we need to be able to claim Gift Aid from each of those using the entries on the form.
- Click here to download the Under One Roof Gift Aid - Please return the Gift Aid Form to: Yoni Jesner Foundation, c/o 28 Arden Road, London, N3 3AN