The 'Yoni Jesner Conversations' provides a forum where open and honest dialogue can take place and serious issues can be thought through and grappled with in a novel way.
Yoni was someone who deeply loved his Judaism but at the same time was not afraid to challenge it and ask brave questions. He was also concerned about the future of his community and the Jewish People.
The audience are taken on an innovative, stimulating and exciting journey and are exposed to the thinking and ideas of individuals at the cutting edge of the Jewish experience.
This open and frank conversation deals with up-to-the-minute issues of Jewish interest and concern but at the same time is a very personal and intimate experience. The audience witnesses a meeting of minds of individuals who are important and influential voices in creating the Jewish present and building the Jewish future.
The 'Yoni Jesner Conversations' is a partnership between the Yoni Jesner Foundation and the London School of Jewish Studies.
Below are pictures from the 2003 Conversation attended by Lord Sacks.
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Click Yoni Jesner Conversations 2005 Transcript to view archived conversations between the then Chief Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks and Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles.